Sunday, March 4, 2012

new blog post

Posty post.
Ok it is almost 2 am, I am bored and on the internet instead of being asleep, why? I don't know because I can.

Uhm. So I realized I am really bad at this whole blogging thing, I blame gets all my inane posts before I get a chance to expand upon them and turn them into full blown posts here. Also, I get more attention there, I like attention...
Also I like ellipses...and I use them incorrectly, we all have our flaws.
Today I made french onion soup, it was good..there are no pictures, this isn't one of those goddamned highfalutin food blogs you know. It took me approximately an hour and a half to brown the onions all the way...too much stirring I think, but I have had such an issue with things burning lately (including myself unfortunately.) that I didn't want to trust it. Only Skull and I ate it anyway...
Skull's birthday is next week, no idea what to get him. We are going to have a few people over to a friend's house (since we live in the middle of nowhere for now) to play board games and eat food. Any suggestions for a menu? Also, someone tell me how to make a Ratchet and Clank themed do I get myself into these messes?? Oh..right..they are self imposed.
Niko is sick again far just a cough so I slipped her some medicine (yes, it makes me feel like a wonderful mum to drug my kid...seriously though, hiding it in her juice is the only way to make her take it even if it is awesome purple flavoured dimetapp...she's a weird kid, also I want grape koolaid again). The little darling turns 5 in a month, where has the time gone? I am not nearly organized enough to have a school aged child yet. Also I need a sweet supply of bento stuff before September.
*gets distracted by internet again*

Also, pinterest makes me feel lazy. Also I am starting to develop a slight loathing towards people who pin recipes like "Thai Tofu scramble with homemade chili and basil oil and yam onion dumplings" god damn it, what happened to meatloaf? Let's keep shit real.
Also I think women's feet look ugly in high heels, maybe their butts look awesome but their feet look gross...ladies can we go back to wearing stockings please? And not in aqua...we aren't Aquaman.
Ok one last thought before I go to bed
I really want a sausage mcmuffin, someone make this happen for me first thing tomorrow.
That is all...