Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Moms are not the greatest things ever (except maybe for mine :P)

So, these seems a weird way to start this since I am a mom and I am very proud of being one, but I don't think that moms are the greatest things ever. Sure we are usually the primary care takers of our children (but a big kudos to all those single dads and stay at home dads out there, you guys rock) and thats a lot of work as is maintaining a clean and sane household but, still when it comes down to it? Yea.
I am sick and tired of the "I do blah blah blah and I love it because I am a MOM" "I look like crap at all times but its OK because I am a MOM" self congratulatory type posts on Facebook. Listen, people have been moms for literally as long as there have been people, you are probably a better mom then some of other moms that have existed, you are probably not as good of a mom as others. We all do the best that we can but come on, really? I mean its not like you discovered a cure for cancer, you squeezed out a kid. Kids are pretty hard to completely mess up, I mean unless you are a TOTAL nutbag they pretty much turn out OK (or they don't, but you probably couldn't have prevented that). When I see those oft copied and pasted paragraphs I don't think "Oh wow, what a proud and courageous woman and mother she is" I usually think more of "Oh god, that one again? We get it, you have been crapped on by your kids and you have to do a lot of shit everyday, none of which apparently involve putting on real pants."
By all means, keep putting up pictures of your kids, telling stories about them, complaining about all the chores that still need done and how your husband doesn't appreciate all that you do, but we can we put the stupid forwarded messages?
On top of all that, I just want to add that I think that a shout out TO your mom or acknowledgement of good mom-edness from your kids is approximately 1 BILLION times better then those things are anyways. So thank you to my awesome mom for putting up with my dozens of panicked phone calls over the last few years, for understanding that every once in a while its OK to have a mental health day and go to the movies and leave the dishes for tomorrow, for trying her best to make sure I did my work and did my best, and for allowing everyone around her to notice how awesome and hard working she is as opposed to having to point it out to them all the time. I promise Mom, I will look into that cruise for you and dad, but I will find one with a spa, just for you.


  1. Since your mom is also MY mom I agree, shout out to mom. And thank you for complaining about the old copy-paste because I'm not a mom and therefore complaining about such things just gets me labeled as "one of those nut ball childless by choice anti-mom nazis"

  2. Yea, its kind of like how annoying all the breast cancer ones are. You can't say anything about them because its breast cancer, if you don't support breast cancer then you are like...not really a woman but I think every woman in the US is pretty aware of breast cancer, which is why it's generally caught early and has a high survivability rate.
