Friday, March 4, 2011

More Sourdough...

Alright so here is the sourdough 24 hours in:

Lots of bubbling and stuff, it has risen a bit I would say its about 1.25x its original volume, this was after stirring in the liquid that had risen to the top and then letting it sit for a few hours more. It doesn't smell bad, but it doesn't quite smell yeast-y either. I am going to give it 48 hours and see how its doing, if its still a little dubious then i am going to can it and go with the added yeast method.

Tonight I am making the Sweet Milk Sandwich bread recipe found  here. Last night I made Mac N Cheese, I used the Pimento Mac N Cheese recipe in the new Bon Appetite but I took out the bell peppers and the peppadew peppers. I like it, its a really gooey good recipe but does come off a little greasy, so if anyone has any suggestions? I was thinking of adding a little corn starch or flour to kind of absorb some of the oil and keep it with the noodles instead of separating out and sitting in the bottom of the pan.

Ooo I am also making asian beef wraps tonight, for some reason I don't make a lot of wraps because I just kind of don't think about them but I think I will be looking to make them more often, they are simple, different and Niko doesn't make too much of a mess with them.

1 comment:

  1. I keep thinking about trying the mac and cheese but I want to add the peppadew peppers. Which are difficult to find in Iowa, apparently.
